Roberta REed

Families Against Teen Sexuality


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501 (C)(3)

About Us

We are a community-based 501 (C)(3) Organization with generations of “Old School”/ “New School” collaboration. We believe “ it takes a village to raise a child” and we believe we are a vital part of that village. And our services are designed to support at risk families within our communities. We understand that healthy families and communities don’t just happen, we must build them. And we’re here to do our part in that building process.

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Our Mission

is to assist with reducing the teen pregnancy rates in under-served, at risk communities, while providing support to the family unit through various classes, educational activities, career clusters, and workshops.

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Our Vision

Is to empower each family unit through their custom designed educational service plan to help eliminate the knowledge deficits ( lack of support) that exist within homes, which contributes to the teen pregnancy rates.


why is the word “ Against” in the name of the program?

The use of the word “Against” in the name of the FATS program does not suggest that sexuality is not a natural part of life, but we want our youth to be educated, have jobs, a nice stash of cash, and a home environment free of domestic violence before they become parents. Would you agree?

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Yes, the FATS program will help you to have an informed discussion with your children about sex. All of our classes are designed to empower the families that we serve. Therefore, we must dispel the myths about sex and give scientific facts.

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We haven’t had the “ Sex Talk”with our teen/s, can the FATS, Program help us with that?

I have a child who is not a teenager, are there any classes for him?

YES! The FATS program can accommodate younger children but this would require a meeting with the parent/s and child. Please contact us to schedule a meeting with the Executive Director.

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Do you allow the parent/s to sit in on your classes?

Absolutely! Children/Youth are more successful when they have the support of their parent/s and their community.

Once you receive your list of the class topics, the objectives/goals, you can follow the recommendation/s in the “ How can i help? ” selection.

How can i help my child/children/teen to remember the information that is being taught?

Contact Us

@ fatsprogram




(FATS) 501(c)(3)